
Peru: President Boluarte participates in Defenders of Democracy Day ceremony

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

11:53 | Lima, Sep. 12.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Thursday participated in the ceremony for Defenders of Democracy Day and the commemoration of the 32nd anniversary of the capture of Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) terrorist group ringleader Abimael Guzman.

On this occasion, the Head of State was accompanied by Interior Minister Juan Jose Santivañez and Peruvian National Police (PNP) General Commander Victor Zanabria.

Also present were members of the Peruvian National Police Special Intelligence Group (GEIN), who participated in the capture of Abimael Guzman and Shining Path terrorist top brass —which occurred on a day like today— as well as various police delegations.

During the ceremony, a minute of silence was observed for the civilians, military, and police who lost their lives in the fight against subversion.

Law No. 29031 establishes April 22 and September 12 of every year as Defenders of Democracy Days, in honor of members of the Peruvian National Police and Armed Forces, the Chavin de Huantar Commandos, GEIN members, self-defense committee members, and citizens who died, were wounded, or became disabled as a result of the fight against terrorism.

It also includes military personnel, police officers, discharged members of the Armed Forces, and citizens who provided outstanding services to the Nation in the counter-subversive fight.


Published: 9/12/2024