
Peru: Agreement established to strengthen water management and climate change adaptation

Photo: National Water Authority of Peru

Photo: National Water Authority of Peru

17:17 | Lima, Jul. 31.

The National Water Authority (ANA) —attached to the Agrarian Development and Irrigation Ministry (Midagri)— and the United States Peace Corps have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will mark the beginning of strategic collaboration to enhance integrated water resources management and climate change adaptation in Peru.

Thanks to the establishment of this five-year partnership, both entities agreed to cooperate on the design, promotion, execution, and support of projects related to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in watersheds.

This collaboration aims to ensure that projects are effective and respond to local and national needs, guaranteeing sustainable outcomes in water management.

Adaptation Actions

Thanks to the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, the work being carried out in Peru is formalized, such as the implementation of climate change adaptation actions, initially in Loreto region, northeastern Peru.

National Water Authority Chief Alonzo Zapata stated that this agreement reinforces ANA's commitment to climate change adaptation and water resources sustainability in Peru.

He expressed that the collaboration between both entities seeks to "strengthen integrated water resources management, water security, water culture, and climate change adaptation."


One of ANA's responsibilities lies in water security, reflected in the administration, conservation, and protection of water resources, emphasizing water quality.

"It is a challenge to ensure that water can be distributed in sufficient quality and quantities for all uses," he detailed.

Meanwhile, Peace Corps Country Director Susan Kolodin indicated that "water management is our raison d'être, as it is of great importance for the survival of mankind and our planet."

Similarly, Kolodin deemed as strategic the work carried out by ANA, for which Peace Corps volunteers "will share their experiences and knowledge jointly with professionals from decentralized bodies and other institutions."

It is worth mentioning that the Peace Corps is a federal agency of the United States Government, whose mission is to provide assistance to people in interested countries and promote mutual understanding through the work of trained volunteers.


Published: 7/31/2024