
Trade Min: Peru-Canada FTA increased exports by 30%

09:14 | Arequipa (Arequipa region), May. 18.

Peruvian Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Elizabeth Galdo referred to the celebration of 15 years since the signing of the Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement, a treaty which led to increasing exports generated in the South American country to its North American counterpart by 30%.

Similarly, the government official mentioned that 80 years of diplomatic relations with Canada will be commemorated in 2024, which proves the important ties between both nations.

The Cabinet member specified that Peru exports many products related to mining. She said it is also interesting to note how other types of exports such as those from the agroindustry have developed.


On the other hand, Minister Galdo stated that tourism is a great engine for generating employment and economic reactivation, this sector being one of the most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We have not yet regained pre-pandemic figures; however, we have set a goal for 2024: to exceed them both in inbound tourism, whose previous figure was 4.4 million, as in domestic tourism," she indicated.

Galdo affirmed that the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PromPeru), the Deputy Tourism Ministry, guilds, as well as regional and local governments work jointly to achieve said objective.


Published: 5/18/2024