
U.S. renews commitment to supporting cacao producers in Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzmán

Photo: ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzmán

11:36 | Lima, Jul. 19.

The United States Government has renewed its commitment to continue supporting cacao's value chain so that Peruvian producers remain on path of legal economy and prosperity, bringing well-being to their households and communities.

This was expressed by U.S. Ambassador to Peru, Stephanie Syptak-Ramnath, during her participation in the opening ceremony of the 15th edition of Salon de Cacao y Chocolate (Cacao and Chocolate Show) held at Lima Convention Center on Thursday.

During her presentation, the envoy stated "how happy we are" as the United States Government to have been part of this important and delicious effort in support of cacao farmers for over 22 years, working hand-in-hand with partners from private and public sectors.

The diplomat added that the U.S. Government feels fortunate to be partners with farmers "who inspire us every day."

She added that over the course of 22 years, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), "we have collaborated in the installation and maintenance of approximately 80,000 hectares of cacao, providing technical assistance to over 35,000 families."

In this regard, the ambassador asked that the USAID personnel present at this event be recognized with round of applause for the work they have carried out over the years in Peruvian territory.

The diplomat stated that, together with Peru's State-run National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida) and U.S. private sector partners, support has been provided to strengthen the South American country's cacao and chocolate value chain.

Furthermore, Syptak-Ramnath highlighted the countless awards that Peruvian chocolatiers have been receiving at various national and international competitions, which is not only thanks to the excellent quality of Peruvian cacao but also to the efforts by farmers, who are "the first link in the chain."

In this sense, she placed emphasis on the work carried out by cacao farmers "who reside in remote areas, often without basic services, but working with love and dedication."

"I recently heard a nice slogan that says ‘good chocolate is born in the countryside,’ and it's very true. That is why I pay tribute to all farmers, to the men and women who courageously left behind coca crops to dedicate themselves to this wonderful and delicious product (cacao)," she underlined.

After expressing her satisfaction for participating at Salon de Cacao y Chocolate, Syptak-Ramnath said her country's work, through USAID, has been to support increasing cacao productivity, providing producers with access to markets to obtain fair prices, generating opportunities to access technology and financing sources, in addition to implementing environment-friendly projects.

Lastly, the ambassador conveyed greetings to the chocolatiers and experts who come to Peru from many countries to discover its culture, gastronomy, history, cacao, and beautiful landscapes.

She also greeted the delegations representing all cacao-producing regions of Peru and all the other participants of Salon de Cacao y Chocolate.


Published: 7/19/2024