
Peru's President inaugurates Incas and Tawantinsuyu exhibition in China

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

00:00 | Shenzhen (China), Jun. 26.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte has inaugurated an exhibition featuring Inca culture in Shenzhen, the People's Republic of China.

The exhibit titled "The Inka and their Tawantinsuyu: The Land of Four Quarters" is held at the Nanshan Museum in the aforementioned Chinese city.

The corresponding ceremony took place on Wednesday morning, China time.

On this occasion, the Peruvian Head of State was joined by Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea.


Published: 6/26/2024