08:00 | Cajamarca (Cajamarca region), Jan. 19.
The traditional Cajamarca Carnival provides the opportunity to celebrate one of the most joyful festivities in Peru, and enhances the region's identity by serving traditional dishes like frito cajamarquino, sancochado, chicha de jora, among others.
In this sense, province's tourism office encourages Cajamarca families to embrace carnival traditions.
The frito cajamarquino is made of saffron seasoned pieces of previously boiled huagalina potatoes and fried pork, all naturally topped with chopped cilantro leaves and Chinese onion. Ingredients are cooked in a copper cauldron.
Chicha de jora, on the other hand, is a fermented maize drink popular throughout the Andes. In the past, local families used to serve it to carnival singers stopping at houses.
“Locals must keep the carnival alive; the delicious chicha de jora, frito, sancochado make the party a unique observance in the country,” said Alfredo, member of the Velez family, known for making these delicacies.
Official Program
The carnival official program was released today; it included a poster, a video and a song specially composed for this year's festival, which is set to welcome 10,000 Peruvian and foreign tourists with music, dances, troupes and gastronomy.
The Qhapac Ñan fairground will be the venue for the popular globeadas (balloon wars) on January 22 and 29.

The Cajamarca Carnival Costumes exhibit and a panel discussion on the “Cajamarca Carnival Traditions,” will take place at Spinach House on February 1st.
A panel discussion on gastronomy will be held at the Municipal Palace on Wednesday 8.
The event also includes a folk song competition on Thursday 9 and Friday 10.
The Carnival Proclamation will be read at the Recoleta small square on February 11. The Chicha and Bread Festival will take place the same day.
Late night events include “the King Momo Wedding” and “the Spring of Love Dance.”
Visitors are encouraged to attend the Sancochado Festival on February 18 and the Miss Cajamarca Carnival pageant at the National University of Cajamarca.
The real party will start with the arrival of “Ño Carnavalon” in Santa Elena neighborhood. Afterwards, carnival goers can join the Queen's Ball at La Hacienda establishment.
Patrols and troupes from various neighborhoods will compete with each other on Feb 26. The Grand Parade will run the next day.
Finally, tourists can observe the “Ño Carnavalon” vigil on February 28 at Heroes de San Ramon stadium. The funeral is scheduled for March 21 in the Chontapaccha neighborhood.
Published: 1/19/2017